Cybersecure gift for mom

Cybersecurity for mom
Cybersecurity is a topic that many mothers do not have so much in mind, therefore, in this article we present a series of good practices in cybersecurity that you can share with your mother and together they learn to protect their personal data and that of the family, from some possible attacks.
You would be surprised if I told you that many of mom's tips are applied to cybersecurity.
What is cybersecurity? And why is it important to know it?
After the great increase in the use of technology due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it brought more vulnerabilities for the user, that is, we as users began to frequently use digital platforms. Such is the case of online shopping applications, social networks, streaming applications and video games.
The vulnerabilities that hackers attack the most are those found within applications. This allows them to impersonate the original application with one created by themselves. Once the user downloads the application, the hacker begins to steal the user's personal information, manipulate the data and mishandle the information.
That's why it's important to think twice before entering personal information within an app. Remember, before subscribing to any movie application on the internet, verify that the application or website has a security certificate.
A security certificate is what authenticates the identity of a website, guarantees the integrity of messages or files shared by an application. The essential certificates are SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security, transport layer security updated version of SSL), these certificates enable an encrypted connection, they have a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser.
It is possible to identify if a page is secure by using our web browser, we can see if it uses the HTTS protocol in the URL, this appears when a website is protected by an SSL certificate, sometimes it is not possible to view it directly, but the page has a padlock icon, that icon tells us that it is using the security certificate.
Mom is right!
How many times has mom told you not to do something? If you analyze it carefully, mom has a sixth sense. For a long time, typical mom phrases have been heard, which if we transform them we can project them towards cybersecurity, among the most famous mom phrases are:
"Don't lose your keys or take your keys with you"
In computer security there are virtual keys to enter personal accounts, we know them more as “passwords”, these are the digital identity key. Physically, you have to remember where we left them and identify which key is for their respective door, that is, which password is for each account. Remember that it is bad practice to use the same password on all your accounts because they become vulnerable.

"Don't talk to strangers"
On social networks they send you requests, these requests can sometimes be from people you know as well as those who are looking to meet you and some of them come from fake profiles.
By not accepting these requests you are avoiding giving personal information to people we do not know.

"If so-and-so jumps off a bridge, will you too?"
It is easy to fall prey to pages that we "follow", that is why if you see a suspicious publication it is better to avoid clicking, remember that just because "so and so" what is public does not mean that it is safe.

"Watch where you go"
Al ir en la calle siempre hay que fijarnos dos veces antes de cruzar la avenida para evitar accidentes. En la navegación por internet es importante la costumbre de revisar las direcciones de los sitios a los cuales entramos, debes tener cuidado de los sitios desconocidos y publicaciones engañosas.

"Take a sweater!"
Moms always tell us that, to keep us safe from possible illnesses or just to avoid having an inconvenience like the cold. In cybersecurity, applying this logic is good to keep us safe and avoid inconveniences. To do this, you can install an antivirus on your electronic devices.

Now that you know these tips, share them with your mom!"
Don't forget that mom also needs help, when she approaches you to ask for some advice or asks you something about how to use her social networks or cell phone, be patient, she is also learning; Like at the time she taught you to walk.
bibliographic references
- Derecho de la red, 2017, Los consejos de mamá aplicados a la ciberseguridad [Infografía]
- Anónimo, 2022, Ciberseguridad para madres y padres,
- Sam Bocetta (2017) Por qué los certificados SSL/TLS son esenciales para proteger las aplicaciones móviles