Dangers of mismanagement of social networks

Dangers of mismanagement of social networks

The technological revolution has grown at a speed that surpasses us and exposes us, revealing our lack of experience and lack of basic protection measures for a future that is already present.


Nowadays there are people who cannot go a whole day without checking their social networks, this is because the popularity of said media grows with the days, allowing us to enjoy some of its many advantages.


And although social networks allow us to connect and interact with what we like most, we must not forget that it is still part of the digital world, where all interested parties can use it whether with good or bad intentions, so anyone with a profile can end up exposed to the latent dangers due to poor management of social networks


Let us remember that cyberbullying covers any type of intimidation, attack or aggression that is carried out through the Internet and is something very common on social networks since we expose our daily lives without filters, in addition to display personal information without realizing it.


Giving way to generating a wrong perspective or opinion of others only with what they show us in their profiles on social networks, as well as having the false belief that everything is a joke, regardless of the fact that it could also be about differences in culture, status. economic, origin, physical appearance, opinions among many other factors.


Being that those who carry out this practice feel safe due to these factors:

  • The ease of hiding on the internet.
  • The empathy of the aggressor with the victim is diminished porque se encuentran a grandes distancias.
  • It gives rise to impulsive responses, which would not occur in person.


The constant connection between adults, adolescents, girls and boys in the use of social networks is a reality that many of us have become accustomed to and although it may seem safe, some news shows us that this is not the case, since everything we share on The Internet can be at risk if we do not take appropriate measures against the different crimes carried out by cybercriminals.The constant connection between adults, adolescents, girls and boys in the use of social networks is a reality that many of us have become accustomed to and although it may seem safe, some news shows us that this is not the case, since everything we share on The Internet can be at risk if we do not take appropriate measures against the different crimes carried out by cybercriminals.

  • Phishing: This type of deception, which seeks to hook and manipulate users with the aim of obtaining confidential information, is growing within social networks since through SPAM and the large amount of advertising currently found on the platforms is not always It is very easy to distinguish between authentic advertising or those created for malicious purposes such as data theft.
  • Identity fraud: And along with the growth of social networks Crimes involving deception techniques such as the creation of false identities also increased. They only steal one or a few photos from different profiles to impersonate them in order to use your identity in different crimes such as sexting and stalking.
  • Extortion: Another big problem that can be found on social networks is extortion since images, videos and/or private messages can fall into the hands of unwanted people and these could be filtered, ending up falling into emotional or economic blackmail.


n regarding the rise of social networks in our daily lives, it is highlights a trend of sharing information with dubious or false content, which quickly goes viral on different platforms and even without verifying its authenticity.


Esto podría ser porque los titulares son muy llamativos y no leamos por completo el articulo o noticia, también se da por el impulso de dejarse llevar por los comentarios o rumores al respecto de la noticia.


It must be remembered that there are no good or bad social networks, since their use depends on the psychological and emotional aspects of the users, due to the way in which others are perceived.


We usually show an improved and perfect version of ourselves in the photos or content that we upload to social networks, this in exchange for receiving likes and/or positive comments, but when we see someone who in our eyes is “better” than us , we generate feelings and complexes of rejection towards ourselves.

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