The challenges of cybersecurity in the metaverse
Por: Isabely Mendo Hernández

For some time now the term Metaverse has caused a stir and flooded the news and social networks since for many it was only science fiction, it is now almost a fact, the metaverse is a new virtual and three-dimensional ecosystem in which users can interact , play and even work.
Although it all sounds like a dream, we must remember that there are also dangers when considering that everything is technology.
Next, we will share with you the challenges that the metaverse entails.
What is?
It is a virtual world which aims to be as realistic as possible. To the Metaverse, you can connect from a virtual reality device, this in the form of an avatar, with which you can interact depending on your needs.
Where it will be possible:
- Buy simulating the trip to the physical store and being assisted by store staff
- Hold company meetings remotely.
- Have virtual premises and pay rent.
What is?
They are all the procedures and tools that are used and implemented to protect everything related to computers, servers, networks and electronic systems.
The cybersecurity in the metaverse
As we have already learned, any type of advance that technology has, brings with it different threats in the digital field and the metaverse is no exception and although it is not yet available to the public, the possible threats that could arise are already being considered, to so look for quick and appropriate solutions.

The creation and updating of malware
Let us remember that malware is a malicious program or code that is installed in any software with the intention of performing some malicious action on both the device and the user.
There are different types of malware which you can even find in apps in the application store. It is more than clear that in a larger platform where you can carry out different activities that involve banking processes and personal information becomes attractive for cybercriminals, since there will be many possibilities to attack promising targets.
Privacy on the web is something important for everyone, although it may not seem like it since for every action that is done there will be a record and it is the same for social networks since according to our interactions with them, they are updated to better adapt to our tastes.
Although not everything turns out as expected since when we feel comfortable in them we completely forget about said privacy and begin to share more details about our personal and professional lives, terminals because they are easy targets for cybercriminals.
Although the platforms try to help in this aspect, every day more people join social networks, leaving vulnerability in this area as a result.
The metaverse being one of the most innovative platforms, it is clear that it will attract the attention of many, which is why at the beginning it would leave the privacy of many users exposed.
It is estimated that users would reveal much more information about themselves as well as others and in a much more unconscious way, thus allowing cybercriminals to take advantage of this to obtain some benefit.

Piracy of personal information
Piracy is copying something in order to distribute or sell something without the authorization of the owners and thus generate some type of profit.
In the metaverse there would be great possibilities to do this and not only with some type of content but also with the personal information of the users. users, they would be cloning your data in order to use it and/or impersonate you and even sell it.
Se sabe que todos se manejarán a base de un avatar o personaje.
Who tells us that making a copy of this is not possible?

Virtual currencies
A trend that is increasing is the acquisition of digital currency, better known as cryptocurrency.
It has significantly the same value as any other type of physical currency only it is much easier to use when it comes to digital world transactions.
And thanks to the fact that more and more users and companies decide to use them, there is no doubt that they would be used even more in the metaverse, something that cybercriminals will be very attentive to.

Although as we mentioned, these are only possible challenges to which nos podríamos enfrentar con el metaverso.
So don't be scared and let's see what is coming with this new digital revolution and above all what are the defense mechanisms that Meta will have to take care of our information.
bibliographic references
- Qué es el metaverso, para qué sirve y qué relación tiene con otras tecnologías. (2022, 4 julio). Blog de Recuperado de
- Ciberseguridad. (s. f.-b). Recuperado de
- Los retos de la ciberseguridad en el metaverso. (2022, 9 junio). eSemanal – Noticias del Canal. Recuperado 19 de