Importance of technological education

Importance of technological education

Currently, technology is here to stay and we are witnessing all the advances it has had, to improve our daily lives, and with the arrival of SARS-CoV-2, it completely revolutionized the use of these tools and in the field of education it is not was the exception.


Teaching methods had to face major changes that initially caused uncertainty among teachers and students, since for a long time in-person learning was the only one we knew, we had doubts about how it could affect the academic performance of students. if this changed.


And although at first it may have represented a challenge for many, at least for children and young people it resulted in a rapid adaptation, since growing up surrounded by all this technology it was only a matter of time before they explored these possibilities and thus allowed learning to become easier and more comfortable.

Technologic education


Technological education refers to the training or knowledge that each user wishes to acquire, this with the help of a technological device so that the user understands what it is for? What are their needs? and How to use technology to your advantage? Each user must understand the specifications of the technology provided to them.


Incorporating technological tools in education provides benefits that promote knowledge and interaction, as well as efficiency and productivity in both teachers and students.

1. Encourage collaboration

The need to relate and express oneself provides great opportunities for communication with colleagues and technology facilitates group work, as well as access to digital tools for better communication and task management.

2. Exploration of new knowledge

Curiosity is something natural in every human being and in a student it is even more so, that is why the adoption of technology is important, since there are now digital libraries and audiovisual content available 24 hours a day, allowing us to address different topics in a quick and easy way.

3. Facilitates understanding

The use of digital platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Google Meet allows classes to be more dynamic, allowing students to ask their questions whenever they want, thanks to the tools provided by digital platforms, such as recording the meeting. and even attaching extra material in the comments section.

4. Provides autonomy

Develops students' ability to perform by themselves all those tasks that are entrusted to them in the virtual classroom, whether controlling and establishing study routines and even implementing new learning techniques, this thanks to learning platforms on the web or planning tools such as Google. ClassRoom or Microsoft Planner.

5. Boost creativity

Provides that originality of vision and initiative in order to make your learning process more bearable in a way fun for students, such as the production of videos, presentations, animations or other types of artistic works that can be created through mobile devices.


  • Flexible schedules (Asynchronous classes)
  • Visual and interactive classes.
  • It represents a financial saving, since materials and even transportation to attend school may not be necessary.
  • It allows teachers to have at their disposal a long list of resources and tools to support the explanation of a subject.

Technological education is an essential part of the learning process of new generations. The implementation of these measures is a necessary prerequisite to guarantee the quality of education and thus the training of professionals.

It is important to remember that technological advances are allies in educational processes and must be used ethically.

bibliographic references

  • Izquierdo, A. M. (2022, April 22). The importance of technology in current education. Luca Educational Platform: Online Course and Expected Learning.
  • Unir, V. (2022, October 13). Technology in education: advantages, importance and future challenges. Virtual University. | UNIR Ecuador – Virtual Masters and Degrees.

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