Avoid the 7 most common mistakes in cybersecurity.
What is cybersecurity?
These are some of the common cybersecurity mistakes people make.
Mistake 1: Thinking it can't happen to you
Every person, company, organization and government entity is a potential target for cybercriminals
Mistake 2: Using weak passwords
Despite warnings not to do so, a large number of people still use weak passwords, such as “123456” or “password.” Using these types of passwords dramatically increases the risk of one of your accounts being compromised.
Mistake 3: Not using two-step authentication
All major social media platforms and most major financial institutions offer some form of two-step authentication, and this can make the difference between an account being breached and one remaining secure.
Mistake 4: Not having the appropriate security software
The use of antivirus increases our security against possible attacks, so it is recommended that you have one on all your devices that you and your family use.
Mistake 5: Not keeping software updated
Many software and operating system updates contain fixes for security vulnerabilities discovered by researchers or hackers in previous versions. If you don't keep your software up to date, you're likely leaving your devices vulnerable to attacks.
Mistake 6: Common sense
The weakest link in the cybersecurity chain is a human being. Be it by clicking on a link that should not have been clicked, installing an unauthorized application, downloading a pirated copy of a movie or through some other reckless action.
Mistake 7: Not learning the basics
We live in a world surrounded by technology, it is not only necessary to learn how it is used but also to know the best practices to use it correctly and be safer when browsing the Internet.
bibliographic references
- https://www.alphagalileo.org/en-gb/Item-Display/ItemId/222007?returnurl=https://www.alphagalileo.org/en-gb/Item-Display/ItemId/222007
- ALTONIVEL. (7 de junio de 2022). ALTONIVEL. Obtenido de ALTONIVEL: https://www.altonivel.com.mx/opinion/industria-4-0-y-sus-principales-desafios-de-ciberseguridad-en-mexico/
- eSemanal. (21 de Enero de 2022). eSemanal. Obtenido de eSemanal: https://esemanal.mx/2022/01/los-cuatro-mayores-errores-de-ciberseguridad-y-como-evitarlos/