How to keep my cards protected in the end?
By Isabely Mendo Hernández

El Buen Fin is one of the most important commercial events in Mexico for both businesses and consumers, where through special promotions and discounts, users can get all those products they have wanted to buy for months at more affordable prices.
Credit and debit cards form an essential part of this event, since this is when consumers are encouraged to use them, providing ventajas al realizar pagos, tales como los pagos diferidos a meses sin intereses, puntos al doble o triple y los tradicionales descuentos, además de que actualmente hay a la disposición de los usuarios, canales digitales que permitan aprovechar los beneficios que los establecimientos ofrecen de una manera rápida y sencilla de utilizar que ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo.
Las tarjetas de crédito, pueden ser una buena herramienta financiera siempre y cuando les demos un buen uso y sepamos cómo cuidarlas.
If you are one of those who plan to use your card in this Buen Fin, you have nothing to worry about, you can still finance your purchases, however, it is best to take precautions and follow a series of recommendations to make the credit card a ally in your next purchases.
1. Buy in secure websites
At the beginning of the search bar there should be a lock icon and the URL should begin with “HTTPS”, which means that the page takes care of your data since it has a security certificate.
2. Use your dynamic CVV
At the beginning of the search bar there should be a lock icon and the URL should begin with “HTTPS”, which means that the page takes care of your data since it has a security certificate.
CVV: Set of numbers that is temporarily assigned to a card and changes with each operation with the card. (Hernández, s. f.-b)
3. Active las alertas de actividad
Dedique unos minutos a crear su contraseña y su Número de Identificación Personal (PIN) de la cuenta y reciba electrónicamente sus estados de cuenta.

4. Enter information in each transaction
: Set of numbers that is temporarily assigned to a card and changes with each operation with the card. It is better to enter your account and PIN each time in each payment or transaction that is made.
5. Use an online payment system or mobile payment service
There are several systems that adapt to your needs and mobile devices, such as PayPal, Apple Pay or Android Pay.
6. Don't use public Wifi
Don't make purchases or perform financial transactions, including checking your accounts, when using public Wi-fi. This is because it is a public network, it is easy for anyone to see your information.
7. Consider specifications
Keep in mind that some discounts apply exclusively to some type of credit, debit card or other form of payment.

bibliographic references
- Hernández, J. (s. f.). ¿Cómo aprovechar las ofertas del Buen Fin?
- Santiago, E. (2020, 6 noviembre). Recomendaciones para tarjetahabientes durante el Buen Fin. Real Estate Market & Lifestyle.
- Bank of America. (s. f.).