Artículos de apoyo
En esta sección encontrarás una gran variedad de contenidos educativos y de actualidad sobre temas relacionados con la ciberseguridad
Estos artículos abordan desde noticias y tendencias en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad hasta guías prácticas y análisis de amenazas, con el objetivo de informar y educar a los lectores sobre cómo protegerse en el entorno digital.

La importancia de la educación tecnológica
Currently, technology is here to stay and we are witnessing all the advances it has had, to improve our daily lives, and with the arrival of SARS-CoV-2, it completely revolutionized the use of these tools and in the field of education it is not was the exception.
a-How much is personal data sold for on the Internet?
¿Sabías que el compartir una foto en redes sociales hasta el navegar en la web, deja un rastro de información personal? Pues a esto se le conoce como huella digital y mientras más cuentas en línea tenga un usuario o más navegue en internet, su huella digital aumenta.

¿Cómo lidiar ante una extorsión online?
Internet extortion is the way of asking for a “ransom for your information” extracted through malware by another person, that is, a malicious computer program is infiltrated into your computer, so that a payment or some other demand is previously requested to recover said stolen information.
Evita los 7 errores más comunes en ciberseguridad
These are some of the common cybersecurity mistakes people make.

Parental control
The advancement of technology and the easy access that all people have to it, regardless of their age and being aware of the latent dangers that exist in the virtual world, has forced the emergence of the tool, parental control, which has as its The objective is to keep girls, boys and adolescents safe while surfing the Internet.
Consequences of cyberbullying
Currently, social networks are a communication tool that has allowed us to interact with people from a distance, create communities of interest and share special moments with others.

10 cybersecurity tips for PyMes
In recent years, the use of technology has increased and in parallel cyber attacks have increased, due to the health situation that the entire world has experienced due to the COVID-19 disease that forced many businesses to opt for technology to stay afloat, Therefore, especially today it is essential to keep attention to your business.
8. Dangerous challenges for girls, boys and adolescents
As an adult we know that anyone can access practically any type of information by having a smart device (cell phone, tablet, computer, even an updated watch) and the internet. For a child it is no different, having this easy access to any threat from outside, such as dangerous challenges that spread quickly on the Internet such as YouTube, TikTok, which are the most used applications among boys and girls, among others.

Cybersecure gift for mom
Cybersecurity is a topic that many mothers do not have so much in mind, therefore, in this article we present a series of good practices in cybersecurity that you can share with your mother and together they learn to protect their personal data and that of the family, from some possible attacks.
10. Explain to mom about cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. The term is applied in different contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into some common categories.

Padre ciberseguro. Consejos para fomentar la ciberseguridad en el hogar
Todos en algún momento nos ha tocado ver niños pegados e hipnotizados por dispositivos móviles, ya sea el hijo de un desconocido, de algún amigo o incluso puede ser nuestro propio hijo. Prestarles estos dispositivos a los niños los mantiene ocupados y se distraen un poco, permitiéndonos realizar nuestros deberes sin contratiempos, sin embargo, ¿Te has detenido a pensar las consecuencias de ello?
Ciberacoso en la comunidad LGBTQ+ ¿Qué hacer para detener el hostigamiento?
The internet and social networks are virtual spaces where we interact with other people, a place in which we feel comfortable sharing experiences and moments, as well as tastes and opinions, however, there are so many people and so many ways of seeing the world. , so not everyone thinks the same way and unfortunately some people forget this and express their thoughts in a cruel way, giving rise to discrimination and humiliation.

Consequences of cyberbullying
Currently, social networks are a communication tool that has allowed us to interact with people from a distance, create communities of interest and share special moments with others. They have been a space in which people spend time to entertain themselves, distract themselves and release the stress caused by daily life, however, they have caused emotional discomfort to several of us at some point in our lives as a result of users who dedicate themselves to harass through virtual sites.
Peligros del mal manejo de las Redes sociales
La revolución tecnológica ha crecido a una velocidad que nos sobrepasa y nos pone en evidencia, dejando a la luz nuestra falta de experiencia y carencia de medidas básicas de protección para un futuro que ya es presente. Hoy en día existen personas que no pueden estar un día entero sin revisar sus redes sociales, esto porque la popularidad de dichos medios crece con los días permitiéndonos disfrutar de alguna de sus muchas ventajas.

15. What are VPNs?
Before starting to use a VPN, which is very useful, we have to know what it is, VPN means "Virtual Private Network" and this is useful when we connect to any network, but especially public networks, since as we know these They are dangerous because anyone with technical knowledge could see all the information and all the data that travels through it.
16. Basic cybersecurity for seniors
Hoy sabemos los beneficios que trae consigo la era digital pero también estamos conscientes de los riesgos que se pueden encontrar en internet y los adultos mayores no son invisibles a estos, es más pueden parecer más vulnerables ante los ojos de los ciberdelincuentes. Es por eso que a continuación, te compartimos un par de consejos que ayudarán a tus abuelos y/o padres pertenecientes al gremio del adulto mayor, para poder navegar de manera segura por la web.

¿Qué le heredarás a tus hijos?
Cybersecurity is within the reach of all of us and the advantage is that it does not require great and excessive knowledge to put it into practice, just our interest is enough to know how to protect ourselves and prevent the threats that exist around us when we use devices and browse the internet. . Knowing how to use technology responsibly is everyone's task, which is why here we leave you several cybersecurity tips so that you can apply good practices and be a cybersafe user.
What are my digital rights?
Today we know the benefits that it brings. The use of technologies is increasingly constant while digitalization is gaining ground in each of the aspects of our daily lives and therefore it was necessary to adapt different areas and of course the law was no exception. , since having digital citizenship would have to add rights for these.

Cybersecurity in the Hot Sale
Online shopping is becoming more and more relevant because it offers the ease of purchasing products or services from anywhere and with just one click. That is why many companies and businesses have implemented this new sales system, since it is a much more accessible service for users.
How to keep my cards protected in the end?
El Buen Fin is one of the most important commercial events in Mexico for both businesses and consumers, where through special promotions and discounts, users can get all those products they have wanted to buy for months at more affordable prices.

What is Virtual Reality?
¿Recuerdan cuando éramos más jóvenes y veíamos esas películas de ciencia ficción, donde nos mostraban alta tecnología donde uno podía simular estar en un mundo completamente distinto al que estamos ahora y todo según nuestra imaginación y perspectiva? Pues, aunque pueda que en su comienzo paso desapercibido por muchos, eso se volvió una realidad en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
Los retos de la ciberseguridad en el metaverso
For some time now the term Metaverse has caused a stir and flooded the news and social networks since for many it was only science fiction, it is now almost a fact, the metaverse is a new virtual and three-dimensional ecosystem in which users can interact , play and even work.

How to protect my bank?
En la actualidad utilizamos cada vez más las distintas herramientas tecnológicas para realizar actividades cotidianas que antes requerían de una inversión de tiempo y esfuerzo importante. El internet ofrece un abanico amplio de posibilidades y son variables las plataformas y servicios que están a nuestro alcance a tan solo un clic.
Tips for making cyber-secure purchases
We know that online shopping is increasingly attractive to everyone and not only because you can find great deals, but you can also save time and let's face it, it is much better to buy online than to stand for long hours in a commercial store, plus you can Get out of a jam at any time with just one click.

Ransomware Attacks The favorite of cybercriminals?
Mainly focused on extortion, ransomware is a type of malware that uses different techniques that execute malicious code, convincing users that it comes from a safe source.
Huella digital ¿Cómo nos afecta?
Es el rastro que dejamos en internet; Es un concepto que engloba todos los registros que se van quedando cuando utilizamos internet y afecta directamente nuestra seguridad y privacidad, así como de las empresas. Cuando navegamos o visitamos una web, estamos dejando información al host (Anfitrión) como nuestra IP, ubicación geográfica, sistema operativo o scripts de seguimiento.