10 cybersecurity tips

10 cybersecurity tips for PyMes

The importance of cybersecurity

In recent years, the use of technology has increased and in parallel cyber attacks have increased, due to the health situation that the entire world has experienced due to the COVID-19 disease that forced many businesses to opt for technology to stay afloat, Therefore, especially today it is essential to keep attention to your business.

10 cybersecurity tips

1. Have permission control for your employees' access to your system, existen varios tipos de acceso:

  • Role-based access control, that is, some access or privilege is given depending on the assigned role that was given to the employee, example: if the employee should only consult the company's resources, then the credentials must be configured so that You can only make queries and not do any other activity (delete, download, modify, etc.).
  • Discretionary access control, which means that the owner of the data is the one who decides regarding access, is responsible for saying who enters the system or not and what they can do with the data.
  • Mandatory access control, these accesses are regulated by a company, what is attempted is to maintain a label for the elements of the system and thus determine the different control policies.
  • Access control based on attributes, a series of attributes are assigned to the user and the resources to which they correspond, they can allow actions to be carried out regarding the day, time, location and data.

2. Have a backup of information, It is a way to prevent accidental loss of information or due to a cyber attack, you can use cloud tools.

3. Use of antivirus, To keep your technological devices safe from possible viruses, trojans or computer worms, they can be installed on computers, tablets and even cell phones.



4.Settings for good security on your social networks, In each social network used there is a privacy security configuration. 



5. Passwords secure Currently, to have a secure password it is necessary to take the following into account: 

  • It has a minimum length of twelve characters.
  • Does not contain username, real name or company name.
  • It does not contain a complete word.
  • It's a different password.
  • Contains uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

6. CTtraining for your employees, Avoid social engineering attacks, make your employees aware of the risks of simple actions such as clicking on a link, knowing what they can download and what they cannot download.

7. Keep the system updated technologic that is being used. 

8. Prouter protection, making some small configurations like: 

  • Activate WPA2 / WPA3 security protocols.
  • Change access as router administrator.
  • Disable WPS on the router, it is used to automatically connect to a network without having to enter the access code.

9. Create cybersecurity policies, where you express in detail how to act in situations of technological vulnerability and how to avoid them.

10. where you express in detail how to act in situations of technological vulnerability and how to avoid them. delve only on those pages that have the https protocol. 

bibliographic references

  • https://www.bbva.com/es/mx/consejos-para-mantener-la-ciberseguridad-de-una-pyme/
  • https://www.nambaruan.com/blog/ciberseguridad/consejos-basicos-de-ciberseguridad-para-pymes/
  • https://www.instaladoresdetelecomhoy.com/como-proteger-el-router-contra-las-ciberamenazas-5-consejos/
  • https://www.redeszone.net/tutoriales/seguridad/control-de-acceso-que-es/

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